Principles of Interpretation of Dream

3.  Principles of Interpretation of Dream:

Science of interpretation of dream are largely discussed and explained by Ibn Sireen. He quoted a Hadith: [17]

“True dreams are one part of Nubuwah out of its 46 components”.

It is necessary that a person who explains and interprets the dreams should posses the following qualities:

Interpreter should be a scholar of the Qur’an Interpreter should be a learned of Hadith Literature

Interpreter should be well versed with Arabi language in depth Interpreter should be well versed with the science of astrology

Interpreter should be well versed with the science of interpretation of dreams Interpreter should be pure and pious by nature

Interpreter should be well mannered Interpreter should be straightforward

The above mentioned pre-requisites allow him guidance of Allah towards the correct version of the vision and direct him to the goodness of brilliant possessors”.

Qur’an provides us some examples of interpretation of dreams as follows:

“As if they were eggs closely guarded”.

(The women are described as eggs, which are always guarded against external forces). [18] Qur’an says:

“(Yet) after that your hearts hardened like stones, or even harder. [19]

(Even after witnessing the soul-stirring event the Bani Israel lost no time in reverting to disbelief. They were like stones, worse than stones, because even a stone follows its nature).

Qur’an condemns the habit of backbiting:

“Do not spy and do not backbite. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? [20]

“They are a garment for you and you are a garment for them” [21]

The most authenticated source of dream interpretation is in Surah Yusuf-12. It is a valuable guide to Tabir ar Ruya – Science of dream interpretation, which is an important branch of Ulum al Khafiyyah, which Allah bestows to those whom he wishes amongst His servants. Majority of dreams are based on signs that are unclear in sense and in explanation. Certainly the meaning of the Sun, the Moon and 12 Stars bowing to Yusuf, is, that these celestial bodies are the beauty of the sky, and from them originates Faiz -benefit. Likewise the Anbiya, Awsiya, Aimmah, Awliya and the Ulama are the radiance of this earth, and through them people are guided in darkness just as they do by the light of the Stars, the Sun and the Moon. Nabi Yusuf (A.S) used to interpret the Tabir of the dreams of others in the light of these fundamental principles. Prior to this, he was taught the practical and experimental Tabir in his own dreams. In Hadith Literature, we observe that a crow has been interpreted as a cruel person because Rasulullah (S) has named crow as a sinful bird, and a mouse has been interpreted as a wicked woman, “Mouse is malevolence”. Similarly, disease is interpreted as hypocrisy for those who renege on their promises i.e. he is weak in his promises. Similarly, anyone who washes his hand with soap is interpreted as being deprived from any bounty for e.g. it is said that “I wash my hands from you”, means I am depriving you from your goodness. In this manner, the interpretations of dreams are sometimes explained from its names, sometime from meanings and sometimes with an opposite meaning. Happiness is interpreted by sadness.

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