Ikhwan us Safa on the Science of Dream

Durre Najaf

Islamic Culture & Civilization

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2.  Ikhwan us Safa on the Science of Dream:

Al Shakhs al Fazil, Saheb al Rasail, 9th Fatemi Imam Ahmad al Mastur explains: [6] “Science of dream is a faculty of Wahi, which has numerous channels”.

Dream is one of them, in which the senses are confined to their specific functions. Hearing of a voice despite the absence of any signs is another form. Qur’an discusses precisely the institution of Wahi and faculty of dream. “Therefore, it is not possible for any human to have conversation with Allah but through Wahi or from behind any curtain or through an authorized Rasul from Him.”

Qur’an says:

“(Remember) When Allah showed them to be few in your dream, for if He had shown them to be many, you would have certainly become weak-hearted and would have quarreled over the affair, but Allah saved you. Verily He knows what is in the hearts” [7]

A question arises, what is sleep and what is dream? The simple definition of sleep is that it is a state in which a person can not perform his duty, whatsoever, and takes rest to re-energize his mental and bodily needs. Dream is the imagination of the soul. The reality of dream is such that the external senses do not work in dreams, because of this the connection of the soul to the external world is severed temporarily and the soul tends to its inner world automatically. Since the soul is in itself a complete world, during the dream state, it sees everything in itself.…. Soul is an intellectual jewel, which is used by mind, heart and all available senses and every part of body, and becomes an instrument to cause some actions with their support. Consequently, a soul shows some views in which one can observe amazing events that could not been seen in the state of awakening.

“If anyone claim that dreams are superfluous and have no relation with reality, than he denies the Qur’an. Similarly as Ibrahim (A.S) said to his son Ismail (A.S):

“I saw in my dream that I slaughter you, accordingly tell me your decision, he submitted: “O my father! Do as you are commanded to do so.” [9]

Therefore, if Ibrahim was not acquainted with the reality of dreams he must have slaughtered his own son on the basis of the dream he saw. Similarly if Ismail was not acquainted with the reality of dreams he must not have said to his father that do as you are commanded and not have embraced him for slaughtering. Rasulullah (S) explained: [10]

“True dreams are one part of Nubuwah out of its 46 components”.

He also informed that though the institution of Wahi is exclusive but the faculty of true dreams remains active. Hence, if he, who argues that dreams are false, has contradicted the institution of Wahi of the previous Anbiya, which they achieved through, dreams in the state of sleep, and denies the lofty spiritual science and also rejects the existence of soul. Alas! He has become an ignorant of the most precious knowledge, and of its origin. Consequently, he has been deprived of the most precious bounties of Allah, and thus offer Dua that may Allah guide and show him the right path, open his heart and widen his mind. Hence, those who are not guided by Allah to the right path have been deprived the Noor of truth”. Dreams which are seen through the inspiration of Malaek or influence of Shaitan are forms of visions, whose roots are quite different”. [11]

“Pious and righteous souls depart from their bodies and achieve their rewards. The spirit receives a sort of satisfaction through the sympathy that is extended in the material world by their successors or by the worldly people. All the nearest and dearest ones wish for them to be rewarded by the peace and happiness that it gained after death. And it may be possible that the pious souls come into their dreams to exhort them and to remind them about their destinations, and command them.

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