Durre Najaf
Najaf Spiritual Center
Through the Qur’an and Asma ul Husna, the following problems can be cured, In sha Allah Be Hawlil’lah:
- Incompatibility or lack of love between spouses
- Various Diseases
- Evil-eye and its effects
- Jinn and Arwah Khabisah
- Unemployment
- Insufficient Rizaq
- Protection from enemies.
And many more…!
Sahar [Black Magic] is discussed in the Qur’an. Allah granted power to His sole representative, Musa (a.s), to crush the evil power of Firoon’s magicians. Likewise, Uloom ‘ilahiyyah was transferred from Anbiya and Aimmah to Awliya and Muttaqi class of Ulama and from them it spread in different parts of the world to protect humanity from the attacks of the Shait’an. Ulama and Mashaikh have practiced these spiritual sciences up to the present time. In the tradition of Islam, healers utilize both medicinal remedies and spiritual methods. The spiritual techniques follow the scientific principles which utilize the patient’s hidden energy with the power contained in the Dua. Spiritual healing is not at all a mysterious process but is in fact very straight forward, albeit this is not a common science which everyone can learn or practice. It is that secret science which is transmitted from lips to ears. The spiritual healing technique involves the energy field that exists around each of us. Everyone has an energy field or an aura that surrounds and penetrates the physical body. This field is closely associated with the health of the human being. In different cultures, energy is known by different names. In Arabi it is known as Qudrah.
Energy is the life transmitted to us from the ‘ilahi-power that overlooks human beings and all creations. Energy regulates our thought patterns and emotions, is the source of our life force and is the animating factor in all living beings. It circulates through our bodies and can be attached for healing. It is the source of all the movements in the universe. When the human body loses its life, the original energy (spirit) leaves it, allowing the body to decompose. The body goes back to its earthen origins and the spirit returns to its eternal origin of spiritual energy. This energy is never lost and exists without the secret of its nature being understood by science and modern medicine. This spiritual energy is behind the life of every drop of blood in animate beings, the motion behind every living cell, and the driving force of constellations and galaxies. The action of this force is real because nothing can survive in the Aalam ul Kabir or Universe without its influence. Likewise, in Aalam us Saghir, which is the human body, Ruh or life force, plays its part.
Muslims believe that every line of the Qur’an has the ability to heal; the key is ones Im’an and Niyyah. Aalim al Qur’an uses an inward approach to healing by applying spiritual techniques and methods to utilize the body’s own energy. The difference between the spiritual healers and the non spiritual healers is that the former heal from inside-to-outside while the latter is heal from outside-to-within. Each one is doing well for their patients and both meet on the common ground of curing the disease and relieving the pain and suffering. Mission of the Najaf Spiritual Centre is extending spiritual help among the seekers. Today, when Muslims are contacting non-Muslims for the spiritual help in their matters, they are misguided. Often people indulge in evil activities to fulfill their wishes. They just want to crush their opponents and this jealousy leads them towards Jahannam. Through Qur’an, and Asma ul Husna, nothing wrong can be practiced. It is used only for removing all kinds of evil influences and to obtain good and attain peace of mind. This is the allowed way to fulfill ones wishes. Each and every prescribed Ayah of the Qur’an has its unique healing property, which differs from those of the other Ay’at. People are facing many problems day by day. They need to learn some basic to advance information about the spiritual world so they can get better awareness and their problems may be solved.
At times, the Spiritual Healer has to adopt certain methods where monetary expenses occur. Travelling to particular places for the specific healing of the causes and sometimes for sacrificial rituals where it is deemed necessary, Sadaqa’at and Aama’al etc.
Therefore nothing is free in this world. Even a wife can demand Ujrah/reward from the husband for breast feeding their baby, as per the right granted to her by the Shariah. This shows the extent to which Islam asserts the fact that money has to be parted with where due. Paying Wajib dues demonstrates refined characters. Khumus Amount is acceptable.
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