
Durre Najaf


It is the art of written works, including oral discourses. Fatimi Ismaili Du’at introduced a new term “Al Adab al Fatemi” to the devoted Literature which starts from the era of the Ibrahimi Imam, Abdul Mutallib (as), the grandfather of Rasulullah(S). Like other literature, Al Adab al Fatemi or Fatemi Literature doesn’t deal in vulgar discussion, poetry and prose. Its core purpose is only one and that is divine liberation or Naj’at. Hadith, Kal’am of Amir al Mumineen Ali (as), “Sahifah Alaviyyah”, “Sahifah Kamilah Sajjadiyyah”, Dua, Munaj’at, Naat, Manqabat, Marsiyah, Qasidah, Salaam are its few cardinal topics. The core purpose of this literature is Tafsir and Tawil of the Qur’an, employing a meaningful approach according to the needs of the time. Its aim is not restricted to gain appreciation from the audience, but to preserve the rays of divine light for the guidance of the future generations. Ahl al Bait (a.s) or Masumeen spent their lives spreading Haq, and accepted martyrdom for the sake of Islam. This devotional literature discusses their merits and significance along with their Talim. Moreover, it emphasizes how a person should ponder and practice good deeds (Amar Bil Maruf) whilst abstaining from disobedience (Nahi Anal Munkar) in all circumstances. The most beautiful aspect of this literature is that it can be discussed in any language, place, and period.

“Adab al Deen, Qabl al Deen”. The etiquette (Adab) of religion takes precedence over religion itself. Adab is the ability to unite and link one object to another, such that the linkage reflects an ideal state of affairs. Adab in one light means to call someone towards building good character –Akhl’aq Fazilah. Adab can also be understood as a way in which to effectively convince someone. Qu’ran Al-Majeed is the greatest composition of Adab as it encapsulates knowledge of all creation whilst reflecting how all creation is connected. Qur’an itself is the highest Adab which Allah has granted. The essence of the Qur’an Adab is its ability to unite and link one thing to another.Every Surah of the Qur’an is linked to the next; each Ayah is connected to the next; each word is linked to its meaning; what is Zahir is linked to its Batin. Awliya (ra) have taught us the codes of conduct and Adab of Qur’an that are also the etiquettes of Islam and Iman, and in doing so, united us. In other contexts, Adab takes the form of literature, in prose and poetry. Moreover Fatemi Literature, this website also contains common literary works pertaining to Muslim culture and civilization.

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