World Affairs

Durre Najaf

World Affairs

World Affairs seeks to provide the much needed view of Islam on issues of global importance. It stimulates interaction and debate between developed and developing nations. The increasing complexity of the international environment, beset by multiplying global crises, requires serious analysis, debate and understanding. In a world of growing intolerance and shrinking moral and ethical values, it seeks to address this pressing need. The scope of the topic has steadily expanded to cover a broad range of subjects, such as empowerment of the people, health in developing countries, agriculture and bio-technology, information technology, international cultures and human values along with politics, diplomacy, problems of international security, the environmental crisis etc. World Affairs provides a vision through its articles to understand and analyze the hidden agendas behind the actions of world leaders and other powerful individuals who influence Muslim world from behind the scenes. Vision of Islam is bright regarding Politics and International Relations. Leading world institutions have adopted many good principals from Islam but they do not acknowledge it. They control the global media (electronic/print media) and use it to their own advantage. They plant corrupt leaders and rulers in Muslim countries, who are loyal to their masters but not to the Muslim Ummah.

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